MattePaint - MattePaint 4.0 officially released
Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021: 3D Community News
The MattePaint team has been working hard to bring the 4th version into the industry's hands. Version 4.0 features 50k 360° HDRIs, assets, AI sky masking, multi-resolution RAW format, and many more.
With the multi-resolution RAW format, you can download every image on MattePaint available in RAW at multiple resolutions in the new DNG format. It allows you to adjust your white balance and color profile, as well as alter your exposure. You can additionally choose between the RAW and EXR format and of course you can take the 32-bit linear sRGB EXR files to your 3D software and continue working on them.
A.I. Powered masks bring the power of machine learning to our images. The whole asset library is sky-masked making it easier than ever to photo bash your concept. Last but not least, the alpha png's are 1 credit.
360 HDRI's. The world's first 50,000px resolution unclipped HDRI sequences. Shot in gaps of as little as 2.5 minutes, give to the studios' workflows a flexible way of lighting sequences in High quality.
Get access to these assets and more by subscribing to MATTEPAINT website now!