Arnold 渲染农场
Arnold 渲染器是广泛使用的3D渲染软件之一,常用于电影的3D呈现。它是Autodesk公司的产品,也是该公司3D软件的标准渲染器。作为Arnold渲染农场,RebusFarm支持下列带有Arnold渲染器的3D软件:3ds Max、Cinema 4D和Maya。
立即获取价值 $ 27.82 的免费试用机会!
动画短片 | "开启心智" | Trix
Trix称该片为 "梦想工程",它向世界各国传递了教育的重要性。Trix的团队最初只准备做一个Power Point演示,但他们说服了客户创作这个精彩的短片。生动的情节更能淋漓尽致的传递信息。出于信赖,他们在RebusFarm完成渲染。考虑到时间紧迫等因素,他们对渲染效果非常满意。
短片 | "上午9:30" | ALFONSO DE LA CRUZ
Alfonso de la Cruz 的团队创作了这部以其童年为素材的可爱动画短片。这部短片的几乎每个场景都取材自他在墨西哥与祖母一起生活的真实经历。他们对RebusFarm的渲染服务非常满意,毕竟在自己的设备上,他们需要几年时间才能完成渲染。
教程:MAYA & ARNOLD-- 提交多通道EXR作品
本视频展示如何轻松地将Arnold和Maya的渲染场景发送到Arnold 渲染农场。
教程:3ds max & Arnold 渲染器 - 作品提交
在该渲染农场教程中,我们将逐步指导您如何用3ds Max向RebusFarm提交Arnold作品。
教程:cinema 4d & arnold 渲染器 - 多图层PSD作品的提交
在本视频中,我们将逐步指导您如何将Cinema 4D和Arnold渲染作品与多图层PSD一起上传至RebusFarm渲染服务。
窍门: Maya & Arnold - 用透明胶片进行渲染
RebusFarm - Arnold 赞词
The one thing that saved the project was a remote render farm. RebusFarm was just brilliant. Using only a laptop I was able to render a huge amount of displacements and sub scattering shaders which would have never been possible otherwise. Render time 120 hours locally vs. 20 minutes on the farm - you can't resist this power!
We’ve always had a great experience. The software is very intuitive in its various platforms and made it very easy for us to maintain total control over the quality and render speed at all times, allowing us to properly manage our deadlines. In addition, technical assistance was flawless: very responsive and efficient.
Our render process was extremely easy and practical with RebusFarm. The RebusFarm system is literally like magic and an invaluable asset to any studio and particularly to small studios with big ideas.
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