Blender 渲染农场
RebusFarm 是适用于 Blender 的渲染农场
Blender 是完全免费的开源 3D 动画制作软件,由 Blender Foundation 出品,得到了一大群专一的开发人员和工作室的支持。RebusFarm 作为 Blender 渲染农场,以许多 Blender 版本及渲染引擎 Cycles CPU、Cycles GPU 和 EEVEE 支持上述群体。
立即获取价值 $ 27.82 的免费试用机会!
通过 Blender 完成的重要 RebusFarm 项目
环境渲染 | Damien Peinoit
Damien Peinoit 是一位法国 CG 通才(为 ILM 工作),已参与热门影片《海王》、《大侦探皮卡丘》、《全境封锁》或《光晕》的制作。通过 Blender 渲染农场,其视频教程中的作品只用了几个小时就渲染完毕,为其节省了大量时间。
一位设计图形的世界公民 | Gleb Alexandrov
Gleb Alexandrov(更常被称为“创意小虾”)是一位著名的 Blender 艺术家、影响者、YouTub 内容创作者、教育工作者,酷爱开源软件。对于他,Blender 渲染农场确实可以彻底改变渲染方式,最后期限迫近,承受工作压力时,也大有帮助。
如何一同使用 Blender 和 RebusFarm
请了解一下向 Blender 渲染农场发送渲染作业有多么容易。有关我们 3.0 版软件的视频教程很快就会推出。此渲染农场非常易于使用,这样用户不会遇到任何困难,可以非常快地渲染并下载渲染作业。RebusFarm 已直接融入 Blender 应用程序中。渲染作业上传完毕并准备好渲染后,可以弃用菜单,改用 ControlCenter,从而始终完全控制渲染过程。渲染完毕的帧会自动下载到目标文件夹中。这样渲染再容易不过。请看一看我们的视频教程,因为这样许多问题都可以得到解答,还可以在开始使用 RebusFarm 的过程中全程引导用户。也始终都可以联系我们的支持团队。祝你渲染愉快!
教程: 如何用Blender和RebusFarm进行分布式渲染
这段视频向你展示了在RebusFarm用Blender渲染一个 "分布式 "工作是多么容易。
RebusFarm - Blender 赞词
Today is a great time to be an artist. A few years ago it would be unthinkable to render a CG movie, working alone. Now with all the technology at your fingertips, it's possible. You can use free tools like Blender to create content. And you can send the final renders to RebusFarm, and that's what I call incredible!
RebusFarm is great, I’m definitely a fan! Being able to work on large scale projects without the need for a super-powerful workstation at home is simply amazing!
The ‘Zero Gravity’ video was the first time that I used RebusFarm and I’ve used it for other projects since then too. I love it; it’s not expensive at all and just so convenient. Especially the way it goes through your project first and guides you so that it gets as compliant as possible. I also reached out to your customer service once or twice, which has been very efficient. Kudos to you guys for having established such a fantastic service. HYPERKID wouldn’t have been possible without you.
A friend recommended your website. Thanks to RebusFarm, I was able to render an additional version of my scene: originally, I only planned for the daytime version, but was able to complete the night scene as well! I got everything done in just a few hours, which saved me time to work on other parts of my tutorial. I definitely recommend your services to others, not just because it’s fast, but because of the amazing support you provided when I was having minor issues. I will definitely use your service again for the next Masterclass!
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