Sandvik - Additive super duplex in 3D printing
Monday, May 17th, 2021: 3D Community News
Additive By Sandvik. Plan it, print It, perfect It!
On Tuesday, May 18th, at 9 am EST, the second “Additive By Sandvik: Material Matters” episode of the interactive webinar series will be held, with a focus on “Super duplex in 3D printing – a gamechanger offshore.”
Sandvik has recently announced that it qualified its duplex stainless steel Osprey 2507 metal powder for 3D printing, and they are going to lunch it on the market soon. With nearly 160 years of material expertise, Sandvik is the first company that offers 3D printed super duplex components. The material will be able to stay stable when it is applied in components for offshore and marine industries.
You can register for the webinar here.