Milan Saffek, a 3D artist and script creator based in the Czech Republic, has recently developed a new free building generator script called “Building Generator” which can assemble building facades along splines.
Some of the features included in this script:
- The shape of the final asset can be defined using either the bounding box or a spline shape.
- It supports the creation of multiple buildings.
- Using prefabs-generated assets.
- Wall editing features include the ability to loop selection of rows and columns, quickly extrude source prefabs or replace, add, or remove floors. Also, you can apply a step, random, or mirror selection.
- The ability to scatter roof clutter on top of the asset (Roof creation).
- Walls or populated objects can use a hierarchy structure.
- This tool can be used for both exterior and interior.
- Basic grey box examples and source files are included.
You can try the free building generator script for 3DS Max HERE.
Enjoy watching this 6-minutes go-through video and learn more about this useful script: