ArtWanted! submission form

Please fill in the following submission form and upload your image (and video link), rendered at RebusFarm, to take part in our ArtWanted! Feature.

Artist's name / Studio's name:*

I want to be linked via the following social media accounts:

Facebook Page:
I heard about the ArtWanted! Feature on:
I want to add:
Title of the image or video:*
Please upload your submission image here, you may also include making of images or videos (at least 1000px width):*Allowed File Types: jpg, jpeg, gif, Max. Upload File Size: 10MB
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
Video Link (if it is a video, please also upload stills of the video):
I used the following 3D software/plugins/render engine:*
I want the following copyright (name on the image):*
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