A Look 'Beyond the Screen': FMX 2017
Wednesday, May 10th, 2017, by Nadine Obst
From 2nd until 5th of May, one of Europe's biggest conferences dedicated to Digital Visual Arts, Technologies, and Business, FMX2017, took place in Stuttgart, Germany. Influential players from the international animation, VR, Games, VFX, and Transmedia industries came together at „Haus der Wirtschaft“ to take a look ‘Beyond the Screen’. Of course, we at RebusFarm didn’t miss the chance to once again be a part of this great event!
FMX venue (Pictures by FMX photographers Dominique Brewing and Peter Hacker)
With more than 4000 visitors and over 300 speakers attending, FMX 2017 was fully booked – a novelty in the event’s long history. For four days, studios, universities, and companies from all over the world presented the newest developments in their respective fields and helped to define the diverse scope of the conference's program. Thanks to the organization by „Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg“, it was a very pleasant week from an exhibitor’s point of view!
Our Experience at FMX 2017
While this year's theme of looking "Beyond the Screen" mostly refers to the rapid advances in VR technology, it holds additional meaning in the context of the conference as a meeting point: For people who rarely get the chance to communicate face-to-face, the opportunity for personal encounters is a most welcome change of pace. We'd like to share some of these analog impressions and experiences our team gathered during their visit at FMX 2017.
Since 2015, we've been sharing a booth with our partner Laubwerk, developer of an easy-to-use software for authentic 3D plants. We had lots of fun with Timm Dapper (CTO Laubwerk) at our booth and a great time at the Marketplace, meeting many of our other partners such as Isotropix, Chaos Group, RenderPeople, PIXL VISN and Digital Production.
Overall, it was very productive during the days and festive at night. Just one of many great events was the party at "La Cantina" - hosted by Isotropix, where we had the chance to celebrate our new partnership over margaritas and nachos. We are currently offering a 50% discount on rendering during beta to users of their software Clarisse.
RebusFarm Marketing Team Maggie Kitel & Nadine Obst with Houman Assadian from Isotropix (from left to right)
We were very happy to see some of our beloved customers visit our booth to say hello. Nikita Diakur, director and producer of the short film "Ugly" took the chance to pose for a photo with a figurine of one of the movie's characters, "Chief Redbear Easterman".
Our team with Nikita Diakur holding "The Chief" at the RebusFarm booth
Alberto Luque stopped by to take a look at our roll-up banner featuring one of his renderings. We will hear more about Alberto on our "ArtWanted! Feature" soon, so stay tuned and watch out for the interview with the talented Motion and 3D Designer.
Alberto Luque in front of our roll-up banner featuring his work
Last but not least, we met Dirk de Jongh and his colleague Bryan Tromp from DWAnimations. After so many years of working together and featuring their work in our online campaigns, social media and on our blog, it was a great pleasure to finally meet them in person!
Bryan & Dirk of DWAnimations
RebusFarm would like to extend our thanks to all of our partners, customers, and friends who made our time in Stuttgart so enjoyable. We're already looking forward to meeting you for another look "Beyond the Screen" at next year's FMX, which will take place from 24th until 27th April 2018. See you there!